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Karla Kitty~The Female Howard Stern~Spotlight & All Eyes On Me


Starting this Sunday the hottest radio station in Las Vegas gets even hotter as RadioVegas.Rocks welcomes Karla Kitty to the airwaves. I was able to catch up with her before the monumental debut show:


Well oddly enough at 36 I was discovered by a scam artist out of New York City! It turned out I had a desired look and was published in six different magazines! I was published in the Digital Inscriber, Tantalize, I was published four different times in a magazine called Internet Hollywood, I was published in the very first issue of Fet Erotica.   April 1st of this year, and no it was not a joke that I was published, and nominated to take the cover of Elite Angel Magazine! I only  was also published in my very own magazine as well, KITTY KARMA MAGAZINE.  I was also nominated one month, for a promo page that Richard Doyle runs via Facebook, bless his heart he helps promote models all over the US. I was also recently featured in a movie called The after school lunch special, as a lesbian vampire. l starred with my beautiful co-star Jenny Lynn, it was released during June, and it was produced by A.J. Chambers, in Omaha Nebraska.  So technically entertainment found me, I suppose it has always been in me, I just didn’t have the guts to do it!


Honestly hate to admit this, I got named the of female Howard Stern on my show 95.7 The boss out of Omaha Nebraska! I knew of Howard Stern, I had just never listened to his show, I guess he has a show that’s very unfiltered where he talks about sex, curses a lot, and basically tells it like it is, much like me!!  Literally whatever I’m thinking, it just falls out of my mouth, people are shocked at the fact that I will say what most people are thinking!!  I try to warn people prior to coming on, but they don't comprehend the  extent I can take it to.  I typically live outside of society standards, I believe in polyamorous relationships, I believe in same-sex marriages, I support women who want to be in the porn industry! I had originally started out with a live stream, to help up and coming singers, models, businesses throughout the u.s. anybody I could help, I would have on my show. I am told that I'm the female Howard Stern’ sometimes told I'm worse!  They say I am definitely a controversial subject, that is talked about on the constant throughout the internet, I’m told I should have my own reality show. They keep saying that Im drama, ummm no, I call people on there BULLSHIT.  I am Definitely Karma!  I am the masterbater of debaters, I  don't lose in a debate ever!  I have personally spoken of my trials and tribulations in life, some people really don’t know whether to love me, or hate me, sometimes they love me, sometimes they hate me, and some people hate me, cause they want to be me!  Much like Howard Stern,  I do things my way,  Many have attempted to change me and the concept of my show.  Ummm nahbitch


Johnny Bird a legend of Las Vegas, introduced me to Crazy Jay of RadioVegas.Rocks! I didn’t know many people out here, I actually moved here in January from Omaha Nebraska, I literally had no, connections after I recently became homeless in Las Vegas, but God sent me an Angel! Johnny Bird is nothing but amazing! I unfortunately was put on the street by a well known Vegas local. So you can only imagine what Johnny has had to nurse me through!! Lol. however let’s say that I have a newfound respect for homeless people, and I have to say thank you to that person that put me out there, with every journey we have in life, it gives us a new perspective on life, and it teaches us something, it taught me that I’m going to do everything I can to get even with that low-life motherfucker!! JK JK I’m personally moving on to succeed!


My plans for the show is to pick it up where I originally left off, promoting people from across the globe, in every genre possible, when I originally started I was doing it out of the kindness of my own heart, I personally saw the struggle to become noticed in the entertainment industry, and so I wanted to do something for everyone, and along the way I forgot about myself, and I forgot to make a living. Johnny taught me how I can do what I love and make a living while doing it! Now if only Howard Stern would step in and be an angel as well -lol- I’m not asking for a handout, I would like for Howard Stern to teach me how he managed to be capitalize.  My show has always been funny, comedic, open, raunchy, honest, anything goes, people can come on, we can debate, have fun, make out, dance, curse, yell, laugh, cry what ever, but I have 2 rules, I do not discuss politics, and I don't want liars on my show, I personally love to debate because nine times out of 10, I will make you look like a fool in 2.3 seconds flat, lol, so I invite everybody.  I have frequented a multitude of radio shows across the nation, as a matter of fact one of those stations was Ham Radio Show, out of New York City, hosted by Eddie Finnocharrio, he had one of the most listened to the shows when me and Marcus Harris had the master debate!  Marquis is a bisexual, over-weight, black man that has no respect for women!  The debate was heated, raw, and real!  I won and hes still crying about it -LOL!


I actually wasn’t pursuing stand-up comedy, I had a date couple days ago, and we had the opportunity to hang out for the day, I am an online entertainer, and been toying with the idea of stand up! My date decided to take me to the comedy club he manages, he put me in the the line up with out telling me.  Then I suddenly hear "next up , we have for the 1st time ever gracing the stage, KARLA MOTHA FUCKING KITTY.   I was gonna kick his ass!!  He said sink or swim bitch, he had faith, and believed in my talents, something I haven’t heard from someone in awhile! He will be getting a 2nd fuck, I mean suck, I mean date!


The history that I have with Dennis Hof is sadly very limited. On New year’s Eve 2017 Dennis Hof reached out to me, and asked if I would actually come work for the brothels, you can tell he was already enjoying the new year as his email was very distorted.  I personally admired him, many will find that odd. However many will understand once, they read the tribute that I made for him, after his passing, in my very first launch of the kitty karma magazine, Dennis was definitely the male version of myself. He was a legal pimp, he did it with class and dignity, he took care of the women that he took off the streets, a lot of these women are actually out here dying, becoming drug addicts, and diseased, you can hate him for doing that if you want, but when women are already out here selling sex, at least he provided a safe and legal environment to conduct these acts.  I actually have a huge respect for what he did.  I believe he loved and respected each of the ladies that worked there.  Rest in peace Dennis you are still missed! I’m truly saddened that I never had the opportunity to shake your hand and meet you. Dennis took the cover of my magazine oh my 40th birthday, February 3rd 2019.  Dennis Hof does grace the cover of KITTY KARMA MAGAZINE, because I believe he holds the realest integrity in adult entertainment, he did it legally and never coerced a woman to do it.  Doing any form of adult entertainment, should be a personal choice, unlike the many that are forced into it.





Yes, I have always been sex-positive, I was taught from a very young age that loving someone has nothing to do with their anatomy, my mother was bisexual, and I had a second mother, we have siblings with that mother. The reality is we are not born to be monogamous creatures, and that’s why the cheating rate withpartners is so high! The reality of it is when people cheat, that doesn’t mean that they stopped loving the other partner, it just means that they found another reason to love somebody else, and we can indeed love more than one person, hence those people that have more than 1 child. Unfortunately society has conditioned us to believe that we can only be with one person for the rest of our lives, so if somebody can explain to me why God made so many beautiful men and women?  Many say that's temptation that the devil created!  Well who created our anatomy?  Cause arousal can't be controlled it's  human reaction, let me guess the devil created that too?  The devils are the ones here on earth dictating how we should live our lives.  Who says we can’t love or enjoy more than one sexually or intimately? It's just straight out mean, cause you can't control what you feel for any given person.  I have two things to point out, were all actually conceived as females ,the only difference is your balls dropped, and mine didn’t, they are ovaries, we are all built the same way. Women’s thoughts are just as dirty as men’s but society has conditioned us women, to think that we should never ever act on those thoughts, they should never even enter our head, well that’s why I’m me, and I say fuck society!  There’s one species on this planet that mates for life and that’s penguins, and well thats cause they all look the same, so you ain’t going to get anything better looking, or worse, lol, and they don’t talk, so I can’t compare personalities on that lol, we only live once, we should have a right to love whoever we want and not be shamed for it, of course we’re all jealous creatures, but I think people are more susceptible to people being open and honest, instead of sitting there straight face lying, when they know that you fucked another woman, or man, I know in my experience of course it hurts a little bit, but I’ve got a lot more respect for that person, for looking me in the face and saying hey I really enjoy a certain somebody’s company, and may be falling, but it doesn’t change what he feels for me. People will never try to wrap their head around that because, people are selfish, hence my last relationship, he knew what I was about, instead he chose knowingly to lie, hurt and deceive.  In my opinion that is the lowest of low. Although Ace Micheals was never in it for love.  His charm was intended for harm.  So sex positive?  More like love positive.

I must be honest, I have not been to Comic-Con, I’m not much into cartoons or superheroes, never did understand why any grown ass person wants to be a cartoon character, it's a breeding ground of pedophiles! I'm all for many forms of love, however I do draw the line at children.  I’m always up for meeting new people and networking, and helping everyone thrive, however I'm not so sure Hello Kitty or Gonzo will help me thrive.  Just my opinion, its also a huge online tactic to lure children off the internet.  Merely an observation.  So yeah, no I'm not interested in comicon!


Tour dates? Thank you for asking that question.  I'm elated you see me growing that big! Johnny is currently in the process of reminding me how great I am, reminding me that my talent is unmatched, what I bring to the world is amaze balls!! My recent turn of events have made it really hard to believe in myself! 
Brandon Kenner the DJ of Bone Thugs-N-Harmony reaches out to remind me, Monogamy keeps us from all the greatness in the world, all the positive energy.  If we tie ourselves down to just one person we can't chase our dreams and live and love freely.  however you can see me live every Thursday night 7 p.m. Pacific standard Time on Facebook live.  I can be found on Instagram, Twitter, youtube, behance, pocket, WordPress, wix, Snapchat, Flickr, and every social media platform you can think of.  My digital footprint an internet presence, is one of the largest in the world.  As far as tour dates?  I think in the very near future many will be shocked at the growth I've aquired!!  So keep wondering for now.  I hope it won’t take long before I’ll be able to let the public know where they can find me,
from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the interview it means so much to me, for me to actually be able to speak my words without having people interrupt or putting me out, is a real sad thing.  Since I met Johnny, I have looked forward to nothing more than thriving and living life instead of just surviving, as my motivational speaker taught me. I do believe I still have some hurdles to get over,  as soon as I clear those bitches, it’s game on!  I look forward to meeting so many people that have inspired me along the way, and I can’t wait to make this journey my bitch!!



This interview was conducted last year by Tim chizmar, the other hurdles that I needed to clear was Tim  Chizmar and Radio Vegas Rocks.  Tim chizmar published this interview, with shity grammatical errors and won something at Comic-Con, I believe it was first place.  Tim chizmar had permission to publish it, he never wants informed me that he would be entering it into any contest of any sort, this article actually appeared as if it was never even in first comic news one week after the radio show that he attends of mine no one could find it.  I managed to get a hold of it finally today, what you read above is my personal life journey.  Tim was only the interviewer, I am the woman behind the answers! When I asked him where the article went his response to me was "I've moved on, so should you good luck!". Well Tim you can fuck your fucking copyright!!  We signed no contracts, so guess what bitch?  Spookyninjakitty will not die today!  Since childish games is your forte!?  I think it's time for you to go back to the play ground with Johnny and Jay over at  Radio Vegas Rocks!  


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